Third Drop
Down List

The third drop down list contains the Operators available within AUTHOR.






> =





equal to

greater than

greater than or equal to

less than

less than or equal to

not equal to


When defining each condition you can either test that a particular user interaction has occurred or alternatively that a particular user interaction has not occurred.

To check if a particular interaction has occurred use = (equal to).

To check if a particular interaction has not occurred use <> (not equal to).

The operators < (less than), > (greater than) and their equal to counterparts  apply to the testing of numeric entries only.

{} (including) will be true if the string specified occurs in the value.

Always keep in mind the fact that the condition will only be acted upon during a Lesson if it is true i.e. that this condition has occurred.

By choosing an Operator you are comparing the value associated with the selected Interaction item, user variable or System variable (displayed in the second drop down field) with the value you enter or choose from the values (fourth) drop down list.